quality of education, competence, literacy, communication skills, continuing education, Programme for International Student Assessme, PISAAbstract
In 2018, Ukraine for the first time joined the international survey on the quality of education (Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA), which is conducted under the auspices of the (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD) every three years. Ukrainian society is poorly informed about the objectives and content of this study. The most knowledgeable are managers and education professionals. The expert society has not yet fully realized the critical aspect of the obtained PISA results and has not started discussions with the aim of evaluating them and forming directions for the development of education. The purpose of the article is to analyze the data of an international study PISA and determine the directions of innovative development of the Ukrainian education system based on the principles of integrative competence, which involves the use of analytical and combinatorial skills by students in solving their tasks. The novelty of the article is to identify the main causes for the poor quality of education and to substantiate the directions of further institutionalization of the educational sector, aimed at improving the methods of management of the branch, the implementation of which will contribute to improving the quality of education. The research method is content analysis of empirical data in order to study the state and dynamics of the quality of education. To compensate informational gaps and to detail the urgent issues that are covered in the international study, the results of monitoring the learning process of Ukrainian schoolchildren are analyzed and proposals for the formation of educational strategies in education are presented. The academic achievements of Ukrainian students by the average PISA rating rank 37-42 in reading, 41-46 in mathematics and 35-42 in natural sciences among 79 countries. In general, Ukrainian students lag almost a year behind students from other count ries on the level of functional literacy, especially in mathematics. The article assesses the quality of education in particular disciplines in different types of educational institutions, in terms of regional and social contexts. The economic and investment policy of the state in education is analyzed from the perspective of discussion. The features of the research tools are conside red, which made it possible to draw some general preliminary conclusions on the conformity of comparative assessments between countries. In order to bridge the gap between Ukraine and the Organization for Economic Coo peration and Development countries in the levels of budget financing of education, reasonability of improving the mechanism of intergovernmental budgetary relations is substantiated. These issues have not been adequately addressed in PISA and require further coverage in government programs. The article proposes updating of educational standards and com petences, remuneration of teaching staff, enhancement of motivational factors, development of infrastructure, as well as improvement of educational statistics.
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