housing programs, mortgage, social housing, bank lending, bonds of local development fundsAbstract
The need for the growth of housing construction is considered through the prism of increasing the affordability of housing for citizens, which is determined, in particular, by the development of preferential housing financing programs. Availability of housing is a primary socioeconomic task in the difficult conditions of martial law. State and local programs make it possible to purchase housing, creating additional demand for it on the part of the population of different income levels.
The aim of the article is to systematize preferential programs within the state housing policy and analyze the capacity of the most significant mechanisms for their implementation, and to identify organizational forms of increasing housing affordability by applying a programmatic approach. The study was carried out on the basis of general scientific methods: generalization, analysis and systematization. To present the results of the study, statistical methods are used: groupings, comparisons, tables. The novelty of the study is in author s’ position on the issue and basic methods of application and implementation of the program approach to increase housing affordability for the population, in particular, an effective tool for attracting funds for the local investment projects – bonds of local development funds. The article systematizes the main goals, objectives, basic principles of preferential programs; the effectiveness of the most significant mechanisms for their implementation was studied, with the determination of urgent organizational forms of application of the program approach from the point of view of the availability of housing for the population. The banks’ participation in financing the construction of housing and other infrastructure facilities in the role of escrow agents that protect and defend the interests of future property owners was proposed. The importance of ensuring the availability of mortgage insurance in conditions of high war risks was indicated. In order to improve the situation with condominium lending, it would be important to strengthen the role of budget sources as a basic element of assistance, in order to encourage lower-level bud gets to increase their contribution to programs for providing housing to the population.
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