poverty, rural families with children, household incomes, monetary poverty, deprivation, housingAbstract
The purpose of the article is to identify and study the features of monetary and non-monetary poverty of rural children and their social exclusion. The novelty of the work is that it is shown that rural children are in a much worse position than urban children, not so much in monetary poverty as in deprivation, and that increasing incomes in rural families with children will not solve this problemTo study the poverty of rural children in Ukraine, special and general scientific methods were used: analysis and synthesis, statistical method, method of graphic analysis, database analysis. It was found that families living in different types of areas have different opportunities to ensure the well-being and development of children. Low incomes partly determine the high level of poverty in both relative and absolute terms in families with children in rural areas. It has been determined that families with rural children generally spend more on food in the cost structure, although this is significantly less in monetary terms than in cities. It is determined that monetary poverty is not always the main problem of rural families with children, as it is significantly exacerbated by non-monetary poverty. Rural families with children have greater deprivation in living conditions. In rural areas, the highest proportion of children did not pass the external independent evaluation. Rural children do not have access to distance education due to the low quality of Internet communication, and sometimes there is no Internet connection.Rural children are largely deprived of health opportunities, they rarely visit the sea or rest in sanatoriums and children’s camps. Deprivation of access to medical services is a problem. In addition to monetary and non-monetary poverty, there is a problem of social exclusion of children in very small villages. Most of the financial problems of families with children in rural areas can be solved primarily by improving the employment rate and diversifying employment. A significant impetus in improving the living standards of families with children and reducing the social exclusion of children themselves is the repair and construction of roads, improving transport links.
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