resilience, social support, quality of life, social vulnerable groups, crisisAbstract
The article provides an overview of the challenges and specific features of the social support system’s functioning during a crisis period. The highlighted problems include the following: first, Ukraine’s state social obligations have traditionally exceeded the financial and economic capacity to fulfill them for decades; second, the outdated model of social support, which does not guarantee the resilience of the quality of life; third, the low social return of the main support programs for the population reduces the effectiveness of assistance, even in a relatively stable environment; fourth, the imperfect mechanism and low level of institutionalization of monitoring and evaluation of the social support system hinder effective reform and prompt transformation of the system during crises. The authors identified the main needs and vulnerable groups in the context of state social support provision. The pandemic and the war have exacerbated the gap between the needs of vulnerable groups and the system’s capabilities, thus creating additional challenges. The novelty of the study lies in interpreting the resilience of social support from two perspectives: ensuring the self-sufficiency of the system during periods of hybrid crises and disasters, and its ability to foster societal resilience through supporting vulnerable groups. The aim of the work is to identify the key issues of Ukraine’s social support system that prevent timely and effective responses to challenges during periods of hybrid crises and disasters, as well as to assess the system’s self-sufficiency and its role in ensuring the resilience of Ukrainian society. The study used bibliometrics, economic-statistical, monographic, statistical, calculation methods, as well as methods of qualitative and comparative analysis, modeling and abstract-logical method.
It is determined that the successful resolution of the existing problems in the social support system and ensuring its resilience during crises is possible by adhering to the principle of the relevance of assistance to the recipient when providing support. During crises, this can be achieved through effective management of a limited number of social programs, achieving their universality regardless of the nature of the crisis, and ensuring the timely implementation of new short-term measures. In crisis situations, it is necessary to have information that is promptly received and allows for tracking the real state of affairs, changes, and current needs. It is important to institutionalize the monitoring process and implement its results into practice during the reform of social assistance programs and when choosing policy directions. This will ensure the resilience of the system and the quality of life for the population by optimizing costs, increasing social returns, targeting, and timely assistance.
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